PYLE Audio - PYMA12
Below are all the different types of PYLE Audio. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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ra jfflj 88 Mil 30 Prrr EiiiigiS g j j 1 iiiiMiiJ a krbr eI i2 Wt j STEREO CONSOLE INSTRUCTION MANUAL I SPEC I FI CATIONS 1 Input specifications PYMA 12 10 line microphone line input 1 stereo input PYMA 16 14 line microphone line input 1 stereo input Microphone input impedance 2 5kQ Input level 60dB Line input impedance 47KO Input level 20dB Stereo input impedance 10kQ Input level 20dB Effect feedback input impedance 10kQ Input level OdB 2 Output specifications Stereo output impedance Balance 150Q Output level 4dB Un balance 750 Rated 6000 Auxiliary output impedance unbalance 750 Output level 4dB rated 6000 Earphone output impedance 1000 rated 320 Output power 3mW Power am ...